Sunny Monday

I think I must have had another late stint with the yarn and needles. All of a sudden I nearly have a sock!

laendler3003091.jpgLovely and soft to knit and the colours are delightful.    

 This is the fourth set of yarn – Fandango, Irish Jig, Christmas Conga and Laendler. There is a theme – dance’s. I would never have guessed. Just 2 more lots of yarn to go from the club.

 Postie came today with my book from Kim – and lovely it is too!

Happy Knitting.


We have sprung

which means longer lighter evenings.

springahead.jpgThe Barista’s at Caffe Nero remembered to put their clocks forward after all I have a sock to finish. I was able to get going on Laendler.



So I need to knit more – soonish and faster. April will be here which brings a new set of blanket squares (they arrived yesterday) and a new lot of sock yarn from get Knitted (usually arrives the second week of the month).

I have decided that once the Get Knitted sock club has come to an end I will draw up my own plan for my socks from stash. I vaguely know what the plan will be so stay tuned.

Dilemma will be if Get Knitted do another club – NO.

Kim’s new book Breeze was launched last Thursday. I am kind of hoping the postie will bring my copy in the morning.

Happy Knitting.


Sunny Sunday

and a complete pair of socks.


As I mentioned before I am keeping socks for my “portable” project. I decided half an hour in the garden this afternoon was allowed to finish these! So if I get the chance tomorrow I shall be casting on the “Laendler” socks, whether they get finished this month will remain to be seen.

In case you were wondering if there is any knitting going on at the moment apart from socks I am working on my Mystery Blanket 2009 squares as I so want to keep up this year. I can’t believe how quickly the months are flying by. I haven’t taken any photos of my squares yet as I am undecided whether to show the squares as I go along or just wait until the “Grand Blanket” is all sewn up and show it off in all its glory. 

Will we have a new book from Kim this week?

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Happy Knitting.