
I blinked and that was August gone. September and what a start that has got off to. Feels like October – chilly, wet and windy. Must be time for those woolly knits.

That said Bank Holiday Monday turned out lovely. So much so I sat outside with my knitting by the “water” and have this to show for it.


                                       and the second sock is not far behind


I celebrated with this

Still is knitted, just needs sewing up. A couple of months ago David treated me to a knitter’s block.  So I now have a chance to put it to use.

Hermia is sewn up and a very comfy jumper to wear.


                                                      Love it!

I will leave you with a new book from Kim. Let’s just say the “to do” list is ever growing.

Happy Knitting.



knitting and this is my latest project



A design by Kim Hargreaves from her collection Thrown Together. I am knitting it in Rowan Calmer and the shade I have chosen is Onyx. I have wanted to knit this one for a while and when I managed to get the yarn for a snip in John Lewis earlier in the week it had to be. An unexpected evening spent babysitting for Xander last night and I achieved this


the back 

I had 10 minutes notice of babysitting and managed to grab everything but a tape measure so had to stop when I thought I may have done enough to reach the armholes.

There are a few completed projects in the wings too which are in the midst of being put together – firstly Eleanor


and secondly Hermia



If the weather of the last few days continues I shall be needing these sooner than I thought.

Today was the annual Newbury Water Festival held in Victoria Park on the banks of the Kennet & Avon Canal. A colourful flotilla of boats set the scene for the Newbury’s principal canal side event.  Victoria Park was filled with stalls and entertainment with plenty to do for all the family.


Of course I needed  a little refreshment and just along the canal is my local Costa Coffee. I had 2 lots of knitting with me – Eleanor Hat


or my latest sock project


I opted to do a few rows on


my sock! 

I love being busy!

I am knitting a couple of squares for the Macmillan Comfort Blanket. I have opted for the Martin Storey Comfort Square  and the Debbie Bliss Comfort Square. My yarn is ready and waiting – Rowan Pure Wool Dk and I am reliably informed it is pure bliss 



 Happy Knitting              


Something different

This is proving to be a quick knit. David bought me for my birthday the yarn and pattern book to make this

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The pattern is from The Araucania Collection book 1 by Jenny Watson. The yarn is lovely and soft knitting up very quickly on size 6mm needles – 2 evenings and I have this


The socks are growing and have been on a train ride to Reading.


Let’s hope the sunshine returns for the week-end.


Happy Knitting
