No More Snow

Well not yet anyway. I guess it could still arrvie this evening / overnight – the forecast says between 6pm and 3am. It is still cold although not as cold.

The little cardigan for Cerys is finished. I just need to buy a button. I can’t quite believe I don’t have one but I have looked and looked again. All  I need is a small plain button. I shall have to visit Camp Hopson’s tomorrow.


I have also made progress on the second pair of Kaffe socks.

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I am off to try and finish Pucura’s second arm and do some of the Mystery Blanket.

Fingers crossed for no more snow.

Happy Knitting.


Snow Day

We have a weather forecast with the mention of snow, starting again tonight! Woo-hoo!

It hasn’t snowed for a few days but there is still plenty out there. We spent an hour or so this morning clearing snow off the drive so we could get the car out to do shopping! I keep hearing conflicting reports of how much snow we’re getting. The predictions range from 2 – 12 inches by Monday evening. I hope not – we must have had 10 inches already!

Yeah, we need more snow!

We need another pair of socks



I am currently wearing 2 coats, 2 scarves, 2 hats and 2 pairs of socks when I go out. Up until today I have not been cold. Today the temperature didn’t go above minus 2, Thursday morning it was minus 13 when I walked to the office yet it felt colder today! Odd!

Stay warm and safe.



This was the scene when I opened my front door at 7am this morning.

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It has continued to snow all day….

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This is the view from my office window at lunchtime today. Too cold to take a night shot.
Anyway one good thing comes of the snow – lots of knitting.
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I thought it would be a good idea to stay up and see how long it snowed for last night. It started around 11pm and at 2am was still coming down at which point I decided I needed some sleep!
When I got to Costa Coffee  this morning I discovered I had grabbed the wrong knitting bag when leaving home and so we have more Kaffe.

Stay safe and warm.

Happy Knitting



Very Pretty



Pray the forecasters have it wrong. A severe weather warning at 6pm said West Berkshire is expected to be the worse hit in the Uk over the next 24 hours. It is only 7pm and look what we have already!

Knitting will keep me warm!


                               Almost a sock


                                Half a sleeve

Just had a peek out the window – snow has stopped falling.

Stay warm and safe.

Happy Knitting





Another very chilly day and it seems this cold weather is set for a week or two. More snow forecast tomorrow – please not as much as last time.

Anyway cold outside means stay warm with your knitting inside.

Pucura is nearly finished and I cannot wait to wear it.

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I have the second sleeve to finish and then have the sleeves to sew in. I have treated myself to a new book in the hope it will help me set the sleeves in just right. The book is by Debbie Bliss.

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I naturally have a pair of socks on the go. The latest being in some Kaffe yarn.

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Take care on those slippery pavements!
Happy Knitting,

