Single Sock

Yes I have another single sock but I am pleased to say he will soon have a “mate” as the second sock is well and truly underway.

27032010.jpg                                           I like the colours in these socks.








The front of edie is also motoring along. I have nearly finished the rib. I hope you are all enjoying your week-end. We lose an hours sleep tonight as the clocks “Spring” forward. Hey ho for some lighter evenings.



Happy Knitting.


Happy Birthday Mum

Another pair of socks on the go I am afraid. Not quite a pair in every room of the house but not far off!


How many times have I said I must get down to one pair of socks?? Oh well I guess David will never be short of socks but we may just be short of drawer space to keep them all in. One day I will count up just how many pairs I have knitted.

I have finished sleeve number 1 of Edie! There was rather more knitting in this than I had thought at the outset, plus to that is that it is stocking stitch so grows quite quickly.

ediesleeve.jpg I am going to knit the front now. Off to cast on.

Happy knitting.


A Frosch

A Frosch

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A little lonesome

a_frosch.jpg Opal Rainforest Frosch (Frog), Collection II

I am not sure when I started these socks but I know when I finished sock number 1 – 20th March 2010. I will have to start making notes.

Edie’s sleeve is growing.

ediesleeve_1_24032010.jpgI hope to have this off the needles this evening and the front cast on. I have a day off work tomorrow. My mum is


I am taking her to Reading to meet up with my sister. My knitting will go to and it would be good to get the front of Edie underway.

I shall no doubt have a look in John Lewis. I did have a quick scoot through there today as I was in Reading on business. I saw these230872999.jpg 230873007.jpgI so need another knitting bag……NOT!

Happy knitting.


Funny Nights

Make for lots of knitting.

sock26032010.jpg                                                        Sock progress!

Edie has a front underway although I only got to start this very late last night. Hopefully the week-end will be kind to me and I can get this off the needles and on to the second sleeve. I am not sure what the weather forecast is for Easter but this could just be the right jumper to wear early April. 

EDIEFRONT26032010.jpgHave a great week-end with your knitting.



We had lunch here.

Probably the most photographed village in Surrey!  Shere might once have been a well kept secret, but today it is a victim of its own reputation and easy accessibility. Once nestling quietly in the Tillingbourne valley between the Downs and Surrey Hills, now Shere has to cater for numerous visitors especially on sunny weekends. The village has it all: a quaint atmosphere, picturesque buildings, superb scenery, even a stream with ducks and a ford no less. Of course two well-sited public houses probably help and there is even a small museum.   Lloyds Bank has a small branch in Gomshall Lane and there is a village shop which is open till late.  Houses in the area are always at a premium and the demand for them obviously justifies the existence of a small estate agency in the tiny high street, Middle Street.  Other neighbouring villages are probably quite grateful to Shere for attracting most of the attention so leaving some degree of normality at weekends for their residents.

 A short walk around the village reveals further interest in the form of the Old Prison House (17th century) half timber framed with a variety of fillings including flint, but the most picturesque house in Shere.  To the north of the village runs a simple open by-pass which has alleviated Shere of all the through traffic on the A25 Guildford Dorking road and bordering this road are the park-like grounds of Netley House dated 1851.   Rising steeply above the village are the Downs to the north and the fine countryside of Greensand hills to the south.   The house at Burrows Lea standing above the village to the south is famous as a spiritual healing centre.

Middle Street is the main street that runs through the centre of Shere crossing the stream and lined with quaint shops that sell everything from afternoon tea to antiques. Popular with movie makers Shere village is often the home to a film set. The Visual Tour images above with snow on the roof tops and Christmas decorations indicates it is Christmas time, but don’t let that fool you as all the decorations are simply that of a film set depicting Christmas time. Many a famous actor has walked from the church with his ‘screen’ bride.

The village hall is located on the left side of Upper Street as you leave Shere heading for Gomshall. The village hall is well used by the Shere inhabitants and many typical events are regularly hosted in the hall.

Lutyens touches this village in many places with examples of his architecture. One such building has an oversailing plaster upper floor on a timbered shop dated 1892 in the high street. Another of his unmistakable houses stands aloft from the road in Upper Street in an eye-catching position close to the junction with Middle Street.

The old Shere fire station sits right on the main high street and is now used to house the “Ladies” and “Gentlemans” public convenience as it is so often referred to today. The building, which is wooden, still keeps the appearance as it did all those years ago when it served a higher purpose protecting the local area from the hazards of fire.

The White Horse, Middle Street, dates back to the early 1500s when it was a farm house called “Cripps”. Constructed of ships timbers, fine inglenook fireplaces were added in the early 1600s and it apparently became an inn sometime in the 17th century. Situated in the centre of this pretty tourist spot The White Horse is popular with locals and visitors alike. (Tel: 01483 202158)

St James Church with 13th century origins is approached from Lower Street through Lutyens lynch-gate and past a Lutyens war memorial surrounded by timber and plaster cottages bordering Church Square. St James church is located very near the village centre about 200 yards off the main high street.

Shere has a Church of England infant school in the village which provides an excellent and well respected school for the early learners. Located near the centre of the village makes the school well located and easy to find.


The well head dated 1886 in Middle Street is a simple arched stone recess with seats beneath a pair of iron guard rails – It is not a place of refuge or refreshment now however due to its proximity to the narrow road!

Local Doctor’s Surgery
This good looking surgery is only some fifteen years old serving residents in the surrounding local area.  It sits in a fine position close to the Tillingbourne stream on the east edge of the village along Gomshall Lane. The Tillingbourne stream runs through the middle of Shere providing a home for ducks and Geese and relaxing spot for visitors idle away a sunny morning or afternoon.


When I came downstairs on Friday morning there was a box in the hall I hadn’t remembered seeing on Thursday evening. That could just have been something to do with the fact that it was rather late when I arrived home! Anyway the box was for me so I opened it.


                                                                                                                                                                      A thank-you from my sister for organising my dad’s funeral.


                                                                                                                                                                     Despite all the distractions there has been some knitting time.

                                                                                                                                                                               The back of Edie is finished and I am
on to sleeve 1

A few rows here

and a few rows there.

Edie_back15032010 001.jpg

I am half way up the armhole. As I thought a fast knit let’s hope it continues. We are having a spell of sunny weather at the moment although it is still a bit chilly. I think this may be rather nice to wear this time of year.

Happy Knitting




It has been rather a sad time at Chez Anna’s Knits over the last couple of weeks and I kind of lost my knitting mojo. Well I have tried a few things, jumper, socks and squares for my Mystery Blanket. Nothing would go right. I just felt like I was having a time when my knitting was fighting back.

Anyway I was inspired by an email I received from a very good friend yesterday morning. She had finished knitting Edie from Kim Hargreaves Book Precious and was very happy with it.


I had a look at other projects for this design on Ravelry and fell in love with Toypetit’s Edie. I knew I had some kid classic in a lovely spring blue tucked away that I had bought a few years ago on one of my many trips to Holmfirth. So I went in search of yarn and needles and merrily cast on


I am really pleased with it so far. Kid classic knits up lovely. I am hoping this will be a quick knit and I will get my knitting mojo back.

Happy knitting
