
Has got 2 sleeves!

30052010_1.jpgJust a little finishing off to do, sew on the buttons and then she is ready to wear. This is going to a great number even if I do say so myself. I love the colour too!

Sport is knitting up a treat too. Just a few rows to go until I start shaping for the sleevehead.


Happy Knitting


The Bands are back

Sunday afternoon’s spent knitting and listening to Bands in the pak was something David and I did a couple of years ago throughout the summer.

Well we had rather a different band entertain us – Transe Express, a French spectacle. They were a small group of green and yellow elf-like outfitted French drummers donning Napoleon-style hats who began winding their way through the crowd from the Clock House in the Broadway into the Market Place for their Mobile Homme show.

30052010.jpgI got to work on Sport and before I knew it most of the back was knitted.

back30052010.jpgI said I had another surprise for you. Well it is from one of Kim’s summer books NECTAR. It features some patterns from one of her previous spring collections – 0ut of the Shadows. I just think Breeze  is fantastic a real winner…




and I had some denim in my stash. I couldn’t resist as I have wanted to knit this for ages.


June will be a busy month knitting wise amongst other things I am sure but I am determined to have my switch off time for an hour or so in the evenings to do some knitting. I am also hoping for a sudden burst of pure energy where I just want everything sorted out……even my knitting.

Have fun on Bank Holiday Monday. Happy Knitting.



Well here we are nearly June. May has been rather a busy month here in Chez Hirst – a birthday, Newbury Spring Festival, Newbury Races, Crafty Craft Race, Chelsea Flower Show.

Yes perhaps I did take on too much!

I have managed some knitting. I did promise myself I would “finish things” and not “cast on things”. Safe to say I have managed both – finishing and casting on!

The casting on went like this…..while having a little sort through a pile of patterns which were merely taking up room on the shelf I came across a copy of the pattern for Sport by Kim Hargreaves. I had some Handknit DK and decided this was the garment to knit with it.



The finishing



I wore this to Newbury Races and got a fair few compliments as well as a couple of orders for some socks! One friend may strike lucky as she would like them for her 40th birthday in December – bags of notice.

So June will be busy as I have Sport to finish and would also like to finish

Petal_back_1_29052010.jpg                                                          Petal

I have to thread lots and lots and lots of beads on to the yarn before I can continue this. Will take some concentration which isn’t one of my strong points at the moment.

It is Bank Holiday week-end so an extra day off of work. Today was pretty miserable weather wise but it is suppose to brighten up tomorrow. I do hope so as I would like to take some outside photo’s – more surprises for you! 

For those wondering Daisy is resting at the moment. I am having a devils job setting these sleeves in. I was reading Yarn Harlot’s blog last night and she makes reference to this. I shall play this a couple of times and then have another go as I would rather like to wear Daisy.

Enjoy what is left of Saturday and have a great Sunday and see you tomorrow evening some time.

Happy Knitting



Daisy Daisy

The main knitting of the pieces is finished. I need to sew together now and do the neck.




                                                      Right front


                                                     Sleeves – I love these!


                                                        All together..

I really like this and it has been a relatively quick knit.

Happy Knitting
