
The lovely Jane Ellison got back to me and I have been able to finish the fronts of Pucara.


The back is also growing


I am looking forward to wearing this one. I think it will look great with a smart pair of trousers for the office or equally great with a smart pair of jeans for a more relaxed wear!

Sock number 2 is doing well also thanks to a couple of coffees care of

imgLogoCaffeNero3.gif 06122009.jpgI also have a little project on the go at the moment. My friend Emma had a baby girl, Cerys, a couple of months ago. I wanted to knit Cerys a little cardigan so set about looking through my Debbie collection of books and decided upon this.

img-Baby_Cashmerino_23.jpg                                                                                                                                  Cardigan with moss stitch edging

The back and 2 fronts are finished leaving 2 sleeves and I have even done half of one of those.


                                                                                                                                    A relatively quick knit this one

Happy Knitting
